SAFE-6G is a European research project which pioneers a holistic research approach, situating a native trustworthiness framework atop the open and distributed USN/NSN-based 6G core, leveraging (X)AI/ML techniques to coordinate user-centric safety, security, privacy, resilience, and reliability functions, strategically optimizing the Level of Trust (LoT) as a pivotal Key Value Indicator (KVI) for 6G, while addressing specific trust requirements and data governance policies specified by each user/tenant/human-role throughout the entire 6G lifecycle, encompassing onboarding, deployment, operation, and decomposition.
SATRD role in the SAFE-6G project
The SATRD group will bring the meta-operating system aerOS (, currently under development, to manage and orchestrate the resources available in the computing continuum, and connecting the services deployed on top of them, considering the particular characteristics of 5G/6G networks (e.g., SCP, SFC, etc.).