aerOS is a European research project that aims to implement a meta operating system, platform independent and focused on ease of use. This system will allow end users to use, in a completely transparent manner, the computing resources closest to the source of data generation and the execution of applications and services in the most efficient manner. The goal of aerOS is distributed data management to enable user applications to be more dynamic and capable. This system also intends to be a base for the execution of hyper-distributed applications and services, which are closer to the data generation sources and the event generation processes, without diminishing their performance.
aerOS will be supported by several basic pillars: (i) Edge-Cloud, the necessary infrastructure to be able to optimally orchestrate all the elements of the architecture that work together to form aerOS; (ii) Internet of Things, the basis for being able to offer computing resources at the edge of the network; (iii) Artificial Intelligence, to help orchestrate all aerOS components more efficiently and effectively, and (iv) Security, Privacy and Trust, a set of crossed cybersecurity layers that allow protecting both the system itself and all distributed and federated data.
To validate the results of the research and the solutions developed, pilot implementations will be carried out in: (i) Industry 4.0, (ii) the energy sector, (iii) agriculture, (iv) the port area, and (v) smart buildings.
SATRD role in the aerOS project
The role of SATRD mainly consists of project coordination and management and of participating in various technical research activities. SATRD undertakes several activities related to the formalization and implementation of use cases, requirements elicitation, legal aspects, system architecture and security systems design, resource orchestration, monitoring tools, system automation, management of data, frugal AI and generation of technical documentation, among others.