Smart Assist
The main objective of the Smart Assist project is the design and development of an intelligent telecare system, based on technologies such as Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT) to create an environment that integrates mobile telecare, home telecare and videoconferencing, new interfaces of communication with users, favoring maximum security and accessibility, while respecting and promoting the autonomy and intimacy of people.
The proposed solution will guarantee people with disabilities compliance with the Principles of Universal Accessibility and Design for All, since accessibility for all groups and intuitive and safe access to services will be prioritized, both by the end user and by users. part of the caregiver.
Finally, a fundamental element of the project is the integration of the solution with the most relevant IoT platforms, such as FIWARE, SOFIA2 or UniversAAL, so as to extend the scope and interoperability of the services offered. The project contemplates the development of a pilot of 25 users, with which its results will be evaluated.